Engagement Activities
Most trusted service provider company
Helps you engage users who are actively using your app by sending them targeted and contextual messages that nudge them to complete key in-app actions like beating a game level, buying an item, or subscribing to content.
Drive customer retention
Create individualized
Increase user engagement
The Key Benefits
Why Engagement?
Retention Rates
Retention rates go up significantly when members are engaged
Member Loyalty
Engaged members are proud to be members. Increasing member loyalty create referrals – the strongest path to additional member acquisition
Active Participation
A member who is engaged more likely to participate actively – and purchase/use more services
Member Lifetime Value
Increased retention rates combined with increased service utilization means larger
Member Investment
Engagement will lead to a member’s willingness to invest time and money with the organization in exchange for value
Member Relations
A well-executed engagement strategy can differentiate communication and become a system for feedback and member relations
Low Cost
Engagement marketing is generally a low-cost strategy that can complement an association’s existing member communication efforts.